Tuesday, February 7, 2023

What resources are best for beginner coding practice?

Are you looking to get started with coding for the first time? It can seem intimidating to choose the right coding resource for a beginner, as there are so many tutorials and books available. But fear not – the journey of learning to code can be exciting and rewarding with the right resources. Here are some of the best resources for beginner coding practice.

Online Courses

One of the most widely used resources to learn coding are online courses. Sites such as Codecademy, Udacity and edX offer an array of courses that teach different coding languages like HTML, Java and Python, depending on which course you select. Online courses are great especially if you are looking for support from instructors and peers while taking a course. Not only do they include in-depth material but you will also have access to assessments, quizzes and feedback along the way.


Books written by experts in their fields offer an easy way to learn programming concepts step by step while at home or on the go. There are both online books as well as physical copies available depending on your preference. The Head First series has great books written for beginners that introduce programming concepts in a funny way. Even though you won't get any support from instructors like online courses provide, there is something special about picking up a book when starting out with coding!


Video tutorials have become increasingly popular as it allows learners to engage in learning quickly and interactively compared to reading or writing code. Applications such as Khan Academy, YouTube Programming Channels and Lynda allow learners starting out with coding take advantage of this great feature while learning at their own pace! Not only do these videos help guide learners through topics but they also make them comfortable with coding in general which can be great if a learner just wants an overview before jumping into it!

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